<img Width "200" Height "71" Src "https: Www.d...
Note: Including height and width enables the aspect ratio of the image to be calculated by the browser prior to the image being loaded. This aspect ratio is used to reserve the space needed to display the image, reducing or even preventing a layout shift when the image is downloaded and painted to the screen. Reducing layout shift is a major component of good user experience and web performance.
<img width "200" height "71" src "https: www.d...
is a replaced element; it has a display value of inline by default, but its default dimensions are defined by the embedded image's intrinsic values, like it were inline-block. You can set properties like border/border-radius, padding/margin, width, height, etc. on an image.
Depending on its type, an image may have an intrinsic width and height. For some image types, however, intrinsic dimensions are unnecessary. SVG images, for instance, have no intrinsic dimensions if their root element doesn't have a width or height set on it.
An 'image' element establishes a new viewport for the referenced file as described in Establishing a new viewport. The bounds for the new viewport are defined by attributes x, y, width and height. The placement and scaling of the referenced image are controlled by the preserveAspectRatio attribute on the 'image' element.
When an 'image' element references an SVG image the preserveAspectRatio attribute as well as the clip and overflow properties on the root element in the referenced SVG image are ignored (in the same manner as the x, y, width and height attributes are ignored). Instead, the preserveAspectRatio attribute on the referencing 'image' element defines how the SVG image content is fitted into the viewport and the clip and overflow properties on the 'image' element define how the SVG image content is clipped (or not) relative to the viewport.
The value of the 'viewBox' attribute to use when evaluating the preserveAspectRatio attribute is defined by the referenced content. For content that clearly identifies a viewBox (e.g. an SVG file with the 'viewBox' attribute on the outermost svg element) that value should be used. For most raster content (PNG, JPEG) the bounds of the image should be used (i.e. the 'image' element has an implicit 'viewBox' of "0 0 raster-image-width raster-image-height"). Where no value is readily available (e.g. an SVG file with no 'viewBox' attribute on the outermost 'svg' element) the preserveAspectRatio attribute is ignored, and only the translate due to the 'x' & 'y' attributes of the viewport is used to display the content.
For example, if the image element referenced a PNG or JPEG and preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet", then the aspect ratio of the raster would be preserved (which means that the scale factor from image's coordinates to current user space coordinates would be the same for both X and Y), the raster would be sized as large as possible while ensuring that the entire raster fits within the viewport, and the top/left of the raster would be aligned with the top/left of the viewport as defined by the attributes 'x', 'y', 'width' and 'height' on the 'image' element. If the value of preserveAspectRatio was 'none' then aspect ratio of the image would not be preserved. The image would be fitted such that the top/left corner of the raster exactly aligns with coordinate (x, y) and the bottom/right corner of the raster exactly aligns with coordinate (x+width,y+height). The resource referenced by the 'image' element represents a separate document which generates its own parse tree and document object model (if the resource is XML). Thus, there is no inheritance of properties into the image.
Now you can just set your div size to whatever you want and not only will the image keep its aspect ratio it will also be centralized both vertically and horizontally within the div. Just don't forget to set the sizes on the css since divs don't have the width/height attribute on the tag itself.
Firefox 71+ (2019-12-03) and Chrome 79+ (2019-12-10) support internal mapping of the width and height HTML attributes of the IMG element to the new aspect-ratio CSS property (the property itself is not yet available for direct use).
The solution by setec is fine for "Shrink to Fit" in auto mode. But, to optimally EXPAND to fit in 'auto' mode, you need to first put the received image into a temp id, Check if it can be expanded in height or in width (depending upon its aspect ration v/s the aspect ratio of your display block),
img max-width: 80px; /* Also works with percentage value like 100% */ height: auto;This image is originally 400x400 pixels, but should get resized by the CSS:Let's say the author of the HTML deliberately wants the height to be half the value of the width, this CSS will ignore the HTML author's wishes, which may or may not be what you want:
Whenever I use inline SVG, I put it in a zero-height container with a padding-bottom set to the width:height ratio of your SVG. I would also recommend removing the preserveAspectRatio, since doing it this way eliminates the need for that and would only cause issues for you.
The resizing feature comprises two main functions: manipulating the width and height of an image and changing the fit and alignment of the image. Either width or height is required. When both width and height are provided, the possible methods by which the image should fit these are:
Crop images by entering coordinates and crop dimensions. The X and Y coordinates start from [0,0] and correspond to the top left-hand corner of the image. The width and height parameters dictate the size in pixels of the cropping rectangle. If the crop area extends outside the frame of the image, you will only receive back the part of the image that is within the crop area.
Both width and height are required. The images passed to this task will be resized using fit:clip (resize) so that the output image is close to the specified dimension parameters. The width parameter takes precedence over the height parameter.
Note: It's a good practice to specify both the width and height attributes for an image, so that browser can allocate that much of space for the image before it is downloaded. Otherwise, image loading may cause distortion or flicker in your website layout.
Sometimes, scaling an image up or down to fit different devices (or screen sizes) doesn't work as expected. Also, reducing the image dimension using the width and height attribute or property doesn't reduce the original file size. To address these problems HTML5 has introduced the tag that allows you to define multiple versions of an image to target different types of devices.
You can make the responsive images (automatically adjust to fit the size of the screen across devices) by using the .img-fluid class (provides max-width: 100%; and height: auto; to the image). 041b061a72