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The Real Book B Flat Pdf: How to Download and Use the Ultimate Jazz Resource

The Real Book B Flat Free Download Pdf: A Guide for Jazz Musicians

If you are a jazz musician, you have probably heard of The Real Book. It is a collection of hundreds of jazz standards, tunes, and songs that are commonly played by jazz musicians all over the world. It is an essential resource for anyone who wants to learn, practice, and perform jazz music.

The Real Book B Flat Free Download Pdf

But what is The Real Book exactly? Where can you find it online for free? And how can you use it to improve your jazz skills? In this article, we will answer these questions and more. We will explain what The Real Book is, why it is important for jazz musicians, where to find The Real Book B Flat Free Download Pdf online, and how to use it effectively for your jazz development.

What is The Real Book and why is it important for jazz musicians?

The Real Book is a name given to a series of fake books that contain the chord charts and melodies of hundreds of jazz standards. A fake book is a type of musical notation that simplifies the music by only showing the essential elements, such as the chord symbols and the melody line. It does not include the full arrangement, orchestration, or lyrics of the songs. It is meant to be used as a guide for improvisation and accompaniment by jazz musicians.

The Real Book was created in the 1970s by a group of students at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, who wanted to have a more accurate and comprehensive collection of jazz tunes than the existing fake books at the time. They compiled the tunes from various sources, such as original recordings, transcriptions, sheet music, and their own ears. They also corrected many errors and mistakes that were found in the older fake books.

The Real Book became very popular among jazz musicians, especially in the US, because it offered a wide range of jazz styles, genres, and composers. It included classic tunes from the swing era, bebop, hard bop, cool jazz, modal jazz, free jazz, fusion, Latin jazz, and more. It also featured songs from many influential jazz artists, such as Duke Ellington, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Thelonious Monk, Bill Evans, Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter, Chick Corea, Pat Metheny, and many others.

The Real Book was also important for jazz musicians because it helped them learn the common language and vocabulary of jazz. By studying and playing the tunes in The Real Book, they could learn the typical chord progressions, harmonic patterns, melodic motifs, rhythmic devices, and forms that are used in jazz music. They could also develop their ear training, sight reading, improvisation, composition, and arrangement skills by using The Real Book as a reference and a tool.

The history and controversy of The Real Book

Although The Real Book was widely used and appreciated by jazz musicians, it was also controversial and illegal. The reason is that The Real Book was produced and distributed without the permission or royalties of the original composers and publishers of the songs. The Real Book was essentially a bootleg product that violated the copyright laws and the intellectual property rights of the music industry.

The Real Book was originally printed and sold by a clandestine network of students, teachers, and musicians who operated under the radar of the law enforcement and the music business. The Real Book was often hidden under the counter or behind other books in music stores, and it was sold by word of mouth or by secret codes. The Real Book was also copied and reproduced by photocopy machines, scanners, and computers, and it was shared and traded among jazz musicians and enthusiasts.

The Real Book was eventually banned and confiscated by the authorities, and many people who were involved in its production and distribution were fined or arrested. The Real Book also faced criticism and opposition from some jazz musicians and educators who argued that it was unethical, inaccurate, or detrimental to the jazz tradition. They claimed that The Real Book encouraged plagiarism, laziness, or conformity among jazz musicians, and that it discouraged creativity, originality, or authenticity.

The advantages and disadvantages of using The Real Book

Despite the controversy and illegality of The Real Book, it still has many advantages and disadvantages for jazz musicians. Here are some of them:


  • It provides a large and diverse collection of jazz tunes that can be used for learning, practicing, and performing jazz music.

  • It offers a convenient and standardized way of notating and communicating jazz music among jazz musicians.

  • It helps jazz musicians learn the common language and vocabulary of jazz by exposing them to the chord progressions, harmonic patterns, melodic motifs, rhythmic devices, and forms that are used in jazz music.

  • It allows jazz musicians to improvise and create their own interpretations and variations of the tunes by using the chord symbols and melodies as a guide.

  • It enables jazz musicians to expand their repertoire and knowledge of jazz history and culture by introducing them to different styles, genres, composers, and artists of jazz music.


  • It violates the copyright laws and the intellectual property rights of the original composers and publishers of the songs.

  • It contains errors and mistakes in some of the chord symbols, melodies, or titles of the tunes.

  • It omits some of the important information or details of the songs, such as the lyrics, the arrangement, the orchestration, or the original recordings.

  • It limits or restricts the creativity or originality of jazz musicians by making them rely too much on the chord symbols and melodies as written in The Real Book.

  • It homogenizes or standardizes the jazz music by making it sound too similar or predictable among different jazz musicians who use The Real Book.

How to use The Real Book effectively for practice and performance

The Real Book can be a very useful resource for jazz musicians if they use it effectively for practice and performance. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Use The Real Book as a starting point, not as an end point. Don't just play the tunes as they are written in The Real Book. Use your own ears, creativity, and judgment to improvise, modify, or embellish them according to your taste, style, or situation.

  • Use The Real Book as a reference, not as a rule. Don't follow the chord symbols and melodies blindly or rigidly. Use your own knowledge, experience, and intuition to adjust them according to the context, mood, or intention of the music.

  • Use The Real Book as a tool, not as a crutch. Don't depend on The Real Book too much or too often. Use your own memory, imagination, and expression to play the tunes without looking at The Real Book. Try to memorize or internalize the tunes as much as possible.

  • Use The Real Book as a guide, not as a gospel. Don't treat The Real Book as the ultimate authority or truth of jazz music. Use your own curiosity, research, and exploration to discover other sources or versions of the tunes beyond The Real Book. Compare and contrast them with The Real Book to find out their similarities and differences.

  • Use The Real Book as a friend, not as a foe. Don't be afraid or ashamed of using The Real Book. Use it with confidence, respect, and gratitude. Appreciate its value and contribution to jazz music. Share it with other jazz musicians who can benefit from it.

The legal and ethical issues of downloading The Real Book for free

As we mentioned before, The Real Book is an illegal and controversial product that violates the copyright laws and the intellectual property rights of the original composers and publishers of the songs. Therefore, downloading The Real Book for free online is also illegal and unethical.

Downloading The Real Book for free online means that you are not paying or compensating the creators and owners of the music for their work and effort. It also means that you are not supporting or contributing to the jazz community and industry that depend on the revenue and recognition from the music. It also means that you are risking legal consequences or penalties if you are caught or reported by the authorities or the music business.

Downloading The Real Book for free online also affects the quality and accuracy of the music. Many of the websites and sources that offer The Real Book for free online are unreliable or untrustworthy. They may contain viruses, malware, or spyware that can harm your computer or device. They may also contain corrupted, incomplete, or outdated files that can ruin your musical experience. They may also contain wrong, misleading, or fraudulent information that can misinform or deceive you.

Therefore, downloading The Real Book for free online is not recommended or advisable. It is better to buy or obtain The Real Book legally and ethically from authorized and reputable sources. This way, you can enjoy the music safely and securely, while respecting and supporting the jazz music and its creators.

The best websites and sources to download The Real Book B Flat Pdf

If you still want to download The Real Book B Flat Pdf online, you should be careful and selective about the websites and sources that you use. You should avoid the websites and sources that are illegal, unethical, unsafe, or unreliable. You should look for the websites and sources that are legal, ethical, safe, and reliable.

One of the best websites to download The Real Book B Flat Pdf online is Hal Leonard. Hal Leonard is a leading music publisher and distributor that has acquired the rights and licenses to produce and sell The Real Book legally and ethically. Hal Leonard offers a digital version of The Real Book B Flat Pdf that you can download instantly from their website for a reasonable price. Hal Leonard also offers other formats and editions of The Real Book, such as C, Eb, Bass Clef, Vocal, Guitar, Ukulele, etc.

Another good website to download The Real Book B Flat Pdf online is Scribd. Scribd is a popular online platform that allows users to upload, share, and access various types of documents, books, magazines, audiobooks, podcasts, etc. Scribd has a large collection of The Real Book B Flat Pdf files that are uploaded by other users who have bought or obtained them legally and ethically. Scribd allows you to download The Real Book B Flat Pdf files for free if you sign up for a trial membership or a subscription plan.

A third option to download The Real Book B Flat Pdf online is Internet Archive. Internet Archive is a non-profit organization that preserves and provides access to millions of digital materials, such as books, music, videos, websites, etc. Internet Archive has some versions of The Real Book B Flat Pdf files that are donated or contributed by other users who have obtained them legally and ethically. Internet Archive allows you to download The Real Book B Flat Pdf files for free without any registration or subscription.

How to check the quality and accuracy of the downloaded files

After downloading The Real Book B Flat Pdf files from any website or source online, you should always check the quality and accuracy of the files before using them for your musical purposes. You should make sure that the files are not corrupted, incomplete, or outdated. You should also make sure that they are not wrong, misleading, or fraudulent.

One way to check the quality and accuracy of the downloaded files is to compare them with other versions or sources of The Real Book. You can use other formats or editions of The Real Book that you have bought or obtained legally and ethically from authorized and reputable sources. You can also use other fake books or sheet music that contain the same tunes as The Real Book. You can also use original recordings or transcriptions of jazz masters who played the tunes in The Real Book.

Another way to check the quality and accuracy of the downloaded files is to use your own ears, knowledge, and judgment. You can listen to the tunes and see if they sound right or wrong. You can look at the chord symbols and melodies and see if they make sense or not. You can also use your own musical theory, analysis, and intuition to verify or correct the information in the downloaded files.

By checking the quality and accuracy of the downloaded files, you can ensure that you are using The Real Book B Flat Pdf files that are reliable and trustworthy. You can also improve your musical skills and understanding by learning from the differences and discrepancies among different versions or sources of The Real Book.

How to read and interpret the chord symbols and melodies in The Real Book

One of the most basic and essential skills that you need to improve your jazz skills with The Real Book B Flat Pdf is to read and interpret the chord symbols and melodies in The Real Book. The chord symbols and melodies are the main elements that define the structure and the content of the tunes in The Real Book. They are also the main elements that you need to use for improvisation and accompaniment.

The chord symbols in The Real Book are written in a standard notation that uses letters, numbers, and symbols to indicate the root, quality, extension, alteration, and inversion of the chords. For example, Cmaj7 means a C major seventh chord, Dm7b5 means a D minor seventh flat five chord, G7#9 means a G dominant seventh sharp nine chord, etc. The chord symbols also show the harmonic function and relationship of the chords within the key or the mode of the tune. For example, II-V-I means a two-five-one progression, which is a common cadence in jazz music.

The melodies in The Real Book are written in a standard notation that uses notes, rests, clefs, accidentals, and other symbols to indicate the pitch, duration, rhythm, articulation, and expression of the melodies. The melodies also show the melodic contour and direction of the tunes, as well as the motifs and phrases that form the musical sentences and paragraphs. The melodies also reflect the style and character of the tunes, as well as the influence and signature of the composers and artists who wrote or played them.

To read and interpret the chord symbols and melodies in The Real Book effectively, you need to have a good knowledge and understanding of musical theory, notation, and analysis. You also need to have a good ear training and sight reading ability. You also need to have a good musical taste and judgment. You should be able to recognize and identify the chord symbols and melodies by looking at them or by hearing them. You should also be able to understand and explain their meaning and function by using musical terms or concepts. You should also be able to evaluate and appreciate their quality and beauty by using musical criteria or standards.

How to improvise over the chord progressions and create your own solos

One of the most fun and challenging skills that you need to improve your jazz skills with The Real Book B Flat Pdf is to improvise over the chord progressions and create your own solos. Improvisation is the art of creating music spontaneously without any pre-written or pre-planned material. Soloing is the act of playing an improvised melody or line over a given harmonic or rhythmic background. Improvisation and soloing are essential skills for jazz musicians because they allow them to express their personality, creativity, and emotion through music.

To improvise over the chord progressions and create your own solos effectively, you need to have a good knowledge and understanding of musical theory, harmony, scales, modes, arpeggios, patterns, licks, etc. You also need to have a good ear training and listening ability. You also need to have a good musical imagination and inspiration. You should be able to use the chord symbols and melodies in The Real Book as a guide or a framework for your improvisation and soloing. You should also be able to use your own musical vocabulary and ideas for your improvisation and soloing.

To improvise over the chord progressions and create your own solos effectively, you also need to follow some basic principles and guidelines that can help you make your improvisation and soloing more coherent, logical, interesting, and musical. Here are some of them:

  • Follow the form and structure of the tune. Don't lose track of where you are in the tune or how many bars or sections you have played.

  • Follow the harmony and melody of the tune. Don't play notes or chords that clash or contradict with the tune.

  • Follow the style and mood of the tune. Don't play too fast or too slow, too loud or too soft, too simple or too complex for the tune.

  • Follow your own voice and expression. Don't copy or imitate other jazz musicians too much or too often.

  • Vary your improvisation and soloing. Don't play too repetitively or predictably.

  • Connect your improvisation and soloing. Don't play too randomly or disjointedly.

  • Build your improvisation and soloing. Don't play too flatly or monotonously.

  • End your improvisation and soloing. Don't play too abruptly or indefinitely.

How to learn from the original recordings and transcriptions of jazz masters

One of the most effective and rewarding skills that you need to improve your jazz skills with The Real Book B Flat Pdf is to learn from the original recordings and transcriptions of jazz masters. Jazz masters are the legendary and influential jazz musicians who have made significant contributions and innovations to jazz music. They are the role models and mentors for jazz musicians who want to learn, practice, and perform jazz music.

To learn from the original recordings and transcriptions of jazz masters effectively, you need to have a good knowledge and understanding of musical theory, history, and culture. You also need to have a good ear training and listening ability. You also need to have a good musical respect and appreciation. You should be able to listen to and analyze the original recordings and transcriptions of jazz masters by using musical terms or concepts. You should also be able to understand and explain their meaning and function by using musical terms or concepts. You should also be able to evaluate and appreciate their quality and beauty by using musical criteria or standards.

To learn from the original recordings and transcriptions of jazz masters effectively, you also need to follow some basic steps and methods that can help you make your learning more systematic, efficient, and enjoyable. Here are some of them:

  • Select a jazz master that you like or admire. Choose one that plays the same instrument as you or that plays the same tunes as you.

  • Select a recording or a transcription of the jazz master that you want to learn from. Choose one that is relevant, accessible, and suitable for your level and goal.

  • Listen to the recording or read the transcription carefully and attentively. Pay attention to the details and nuances of the music.

  • Identify and isolate the parts or elements of the music that you want to learn or improve. For example, the chord symbols, the melodies, the rhythms, the articulations, the expressions, etc.

Memorize and internalize the parts or elements of the music that you want to learn or improve.


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